Thursday, January 31, 2013


I have begun the early stages of working on a graphic novel. The working title is "I.D." It will be 6 issues long and released initially as a web-series with the hopes of getting it into print at some point after that.

I will be at the very least penciling but likely doing some amount of the inking, coloring and backgrounds. It is completely written (by Mira Mortal - You can follow her here: ).

At this point in time I am trying to hammer out the characters as they will appear and nail down a style... I feel like this is the toughest part and am excited to get this done to get into the layout of the story.

Here is a little description of the story:

" The government has contracted a private facility dedicated to manufacturing classified weapons for military use. Due to the importance of the success of these weapons, those that show any deviation from company specifications are dropped into the deep ocean that surrounds the factory—intended to be buried forever, swept away and forgotten..."

This piece, which is a painting I did back in November / Decemberish (?) was a concept I did for the lead character... Dunno if it'll stick moving forward but I really liked the simplicity and emotion without detail I thought it captured.

I'll continue to use the blog to post information about the project, including sketches and panels as the project moves along.

I hope you guys (and gals) will dig it - I know I am beyond excited to be doing it.


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