Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gearing up for our Farewell to Monster-Mania

           It's been a little bit since I last wrote and more or less it's been because not much has been going on. We've been settling into our new place in North Carolina... So far, we love it. That said, it's still a lot to adjust to mentally and emotionally... especially with a kid. New routines, new places, etc etc. - I could go on but it's not that interesting.

          Art-wise everything had taken a backseat from about Mid November when Sandy hit through now. Finally my new office / studio is more or less set up and I feel I am starting to relax a little. Been sketching a little bit to kick the dust off, pretty happy that it seems my absence hasn't resulted in an art-funk but we'll see once I dive into a real project. I've got a 4 panel piece that I am brainstorming with, so it should be a lot of fun once I settle on an idea. Looking forward to getting back into it.

        A lot of people say they can't not draw - that they physically must put a pencil to paper every day. Most of the artists I admire most are that way and I respect and am a little envious of that. I am the opposite. Sometimes I NEED to step away. Between real life issues and sometimes just feeling that nothing is working artistically, I step away to mentally regroup. I am always thinking, usually jotting notes... but not always drawing. In most cases when I do then put a pencil to paper again I feel rejuvenated and things tend to flow better. Just thought I'd share that little tidbit... You may or may not care and if you don't I apologize for the ramble... it's just something I've been thinking about a lot in terms of artistic process. I seem to be a little against the grain in that idea but that's fine with me, to each their own.

      Upcoming things include, sadly, what will likely be our last trip up to Monster Mania in March... With the move to NC and the fact that we have a 3 year-old the trip is just too much to continue doing, which is sad because we have really enjoyed it over the years, both as vendors and as guests and the staff do a wonderful job. We love seeing the same people every year and meeting new ones as well. We'll definitely be searching out new shows down here such as Blood on the Beach and a few others.. I'll keep you all posted. This year, my wife and I (she makes and sells jewelry and kills it consistently: ) will each have our own tables where as in the past we'd shared a table. It will be a bittersweet trip and show but nonetheless we are looking forward to it.

     That's about it for now... Off to paint and I swear this time I'll do a better job of updating the blog.

If you've not checked it out you can see / buy my art at  and also 

     I hope this finds you all well and that 2013 is a great year for everyone.


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