Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some Random This and That with a Side of Bacon

I know... I said I'd do a better job of keeping up with the blog this time around. Truth is, I've been busy. Mostly in all positive ways, so I am thankful for that. In any case, I wanted to take a few minutes to update on a few things that have been going on of late.

First, the book. As many of you know I've been tabbed to do the art on a book by talented writer and good friend Justin Hamelin. It's a collection of short stories reminiscent of my favorite childhood series Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark but with more of a classic horror feel. Think Scary Stories TTITD meets Tales From the Crypt. It's the best comparison I can come up with at the moment and seems about as accurate as I'll be able to manage. So there's that. I've done 8 pieces of the 11 or 12 that will be in the book, titled The Darkest Corner. The release date is still to be determined - I have an idea of when it'll be out but as of now cannot say until it's more firm. That said, it'll be available in print as well as for all your digital tablets and such, so that's pretty damn exciting. This collaboration has been a long time coming and it's a real pleasure working with Justin, who pretty much has the exact same thought process and mind as I do, so it makes this very easy. I'll keep you all posted on this as we learn more from the publishers. We are both excited to be able to share this with you all and trust me, you're going to enjoy it.

For those who don't follow me elsewhere, here's a sample of what some of the art will look like:

Second, I had pieces in 2 shows this past weekend. One was a one night event in LA at the Pi Gallery. It was great to be a part of the show and now with both pieces soon headed back my way I can officially say that they are both for sale. See the photo below and contact me if interested ( If unclaimed, they'll likely be heading with me to NJ in August for Monster Mania, which I will be returning to (details at ) 

The pieces from the Pi Gallery show: "Become Death" and "between Two Gardens":

The second show was an annual fundraiser for The Rochester (NY) Contemporary Art Center in which artists submit 6"x6" works of art to that can be purchased for $20 each. I am proud to say that so far 2 of my 6 sold on opening night. I am excited that my small contributions have helped support the arts, even if only in a small way. You can look at all the pieces here and buy them online at this time (my pieces start at 1547) : . Here is a picture of the pieces, the 2 sold ones being the first 2 from left on the top row (thank you to those who purchased them!):

Lastly for now (as I am sure I've lost a few of you by this point and will end this at the risk of losing the brave one who have read this far) is that I am beyond excited to announce that after a brief hiatus, the Forgotten Flix Podcast is returning and that I shall be returning to the art duties, providing the artwork for each episode. This time around, however, I shall be hand-painting each piece and they will be available for purchase after the episode is released. Being honest about it, I hate sketching, scanning and coloring in Photoshop. I feel you lose a lot of the craft (not to knock anyone who does that, I suppose I am just one of those "old fashioned" cranky dudes) so I am really excited to be doing it all by hand... we'll see how it goes. I may be biting off more than I can chew but hell, when do I not do that? 

You can catch up on old episodes of the podcast here: 

So that's about all for now. There are lots of other things going on but it'd take forever to get through them all. I suppose updating more often would remedy the once-in-a-blue-moon purge onto the blog.. so yeah, I'll try harder to keep this thing updated. For all of our sake.

Last thing, I am going to start posting more WIP (work in progress) stuff here. I have a long list of commissions I am also working on and with the OK of the clients will be posting pictures with little descriptions as I navigate through these pieces. By the way, I always ask first so if ever you hire me for, say, a secret project or a gift I will not post pics. 

I hope you are all doing well. As always, I am humbled and thankful for all the support you guys give me on a daily basis... It means more than you know.


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